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Read book Robert Melillo - Disconnected Kids : The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders DOC, PDF


A proven, drug-free program to treat the cause - not just the symptoms - of autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions. Based on years of scientific research, Dr. Robert Melillo's revolutionary Brain Balance Program has achieved real, fully documented results that have dramatically improved the quality of life for children and their families. Newly updated to reflect the latest research developments, Disconnected Kids shows parents how to use this drug-free approach at home, including: Fully customizable exercises that target physical, sensory, and academic performance A behavior modification plan Advice for identifying food sensitivities that play a hidden role A follow-up program that helps to ensure lasting results ' Disconnected Kids offers a visionary new approach for helping many children with brain-based problems. These valuable clinical insights add much to our toolkit for caring.' Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, Each year, an estimated 1.5 million children-one out of every six-are diagnosed with autism, Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Dr. Robert Melillo brings a fundamentally new understanding to the cause of these conditions with his revolutionary Brain Balance Program(tm). It has achieved real, fully documented results that have dramatically improved the quality of life for children and their families in every aspect: behavioral, emotional, academic, and social. Disconnected Kids shows parents how to use this drug-free approach at home, including: Fully customizable exercises that target physical, sensory, and academic performance A behavior modification plan Advice for identifying food sensitivities that play a hidden role A follow-up program that helps to ensure lasting results ' Disconnected Kids offers a visionary new approach for helping many children with brain-based problems. These valuable clinical insights add much to our tool kit for caring.' Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence 'Dr. Melillo's thesis and proposed intervention give hope to all affected parties (children, parents and clinicians) that neurobehavioral disorders of childhood can be eradicated one day in the near future by relying primarily on behavioral and cognitive treatments.' Metapsychology Reviews 'I found the book to be very interesting and informative, including case studies of children he claims have been cured of some of these disorders, as well as checklists of ways to identify whether or not your child may have a brain deficiency or delay and what side of the brain may be involved. It does seem to bring a ray of hope, as many of us have come to believe that there is no cure for disorders like autism.' 'I highly recommend reading this book! It was very enlightening to me. I do believe that his philosophy on these disorders is accurate and his approach to helping them is valid.' Sensor Ease, The proven, drug-free program to treat the cause-not just the symptoms-of autism spectrum disorders and related conditions. Each year, an estimated 1.5 million children-one out of every six-are diagnosed with autism, Asperger's syndrome, ADHD, dyslexia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Dr. Robert Melillo brings a fundamentally new understanding to the cause of these conditions with his revolutionary Brain Balance Program(tm). It has achieved real, fully documented results that have dramatically improved the quality of life for children and their families in every aspect: behavioral, emotional, academic, and social. Disconnected Kids shows parents how to use this drug-free approach at home, including: Fully customizable exercises that target physical, sensory, and academic performance A behavior modification plan Advice for identifying food sensitivities that play a hidden role A follow-up program that helps to ensure lasting results

Download ebook Robert Melillo - Disconnected Kids : The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders DOC, PDF, FB2

Illustrated with over one hundred photographs and two hundred poems, Finding Them Gone combines the love of travel with an irrepressible exuberance for poetry.In addition to new developments in proteomics, this book includes two emerging technologies in Life Sciences, metabolomics and preclinomics.David Fishman examines the efforts of east European Jews to establish their linguistic distinctiveness as part of their struggle for national survival in the diaspora.The author traces how a tradition that had its roots in the early sixteenth century as a marginal protest movement evolved until the early eighteenth century as a movement of urban space reform.Why did the people of the Zambesi Delta affected by severe flooding return early to their homes or even choose to not evacuate?The first words out of the ballplayer Bosch called Cacique's mouth were.Not threats or negotiations, not prison, not even executions.ENGLISH VERSION This book examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called "recuperation of memory" of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship.Welcome to New York City s Chinatown in 1925.Korean Screen Cultures "sets out to redress this imbalance with a broad selection of essays spanning both North and South as well as different methodological approaches, from ethnographic and audience studies to cultural materialist readings.Dont put Results Rule!Readers develop good reading habits through intensive practice in skimming, scanning, and decoding and through a range of pre- and post- reading activities.The book describes Valentino's involvement with bodybuilding and its association with steroids and underground behaviour, including the sex and muscle worship trade.And with Calvin and Hobbes , we had fun--just like readers of Krazy Kat and Pogo did.