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Tread Lightly : Form, Footwear, and the Quest for Injury-Free Running read EPUB, DJV


Distance running is booming in this country. Marathons and half-marathons are selling out and interest in the sport is at an all-time high. Yet runners are still succumbing to foot and leg injuries at an alarming rate. Despite decades of technological innovation, running shoes are failing in their job of protecting runners. Now there is a better way! By embracing simplicity runners have found that relief from pain and chronic injury comes from actually casting aside overbuilt running shoes and orthotic inserts in favor of more minimalist designs that allow the foot freedom to work as nature intended. Runners in barefoot-style shoes feel reborn by running more naturally, much like early man did for millions of years. Picking up where the national bestseller, Born to Run, left off, the coauthors offer compelling evidence why this new minimalist approach to running is here to stay, and is not merely some passing fad. Based on interviews conducted with top running lab researchers, shoe experts, elite runners, and coaches, Tread Lightly is sure to be a groundbreaking book for all runners., Humans evolved over the millennia to become one of the most exceptional distance-running species on Earth. So why are injuries so common? Are our shoes to blame, or is it a question of running form, training, or poor diet? In this groundbreaking book, Peter Larson and Bill Katovsky explore the reasons why runners experience injuries and offer potential solutions to the current epidemic of running-related injuries. Their findings, gleaned from research studies and conversations with leading footwear scientists, biomechanical experts, coaches, podiatrists, physical therapists, and competitive runners, are informative and enlightening. Topics include:"" How modern runners differ from their ancestors"" Why repetitive stress causes most injuries, and how runners can safely reduce their occurrence"" The pros and cons of barefoot running"" Why it's time to move beyond the pronation-control paradigm with running shoes"" How certain running-form flaws might increase injury risk Tread Lightly is a highly readable, multifaceted investigation of running-past and present, with a hopeful look to the future., Praise for the work of Peter Larson"Larson presents a wealth of balanced info on the raging debate over proper running form and minimalist running shoes." Erin Beresini, Outside Online Peter Larson is both a scientist and a realist when it comes to running shoes, and that's a good combination. Amby Burfoot, Peak Performance Blog, Runner's WorldHumans evolved over the millennia to become one of the most exceptional distance-running species on Earth. So why are injuries so common? Are our shoes to blame, or is it a question of running form, training, or poor diet? In this groundbreaking book, Peter Larson and Bill Katovsky explore the reasons why runners experience injuries and offer potential solutions to the current epidemic of running-related injuries. Their findings, gleaned from research studies and conversations with leading footwear scientists, biomechanical experts, coaches, podiatrists, physical therapists, and competitive runners, are informative and enlightening. Topics include:How modern runners differ from their ancestorsWhy repetitive stress causes most injuries, and how runners can safely reduce their occurrenceThe pros and cons of barefoot runningWhy it s time to move beyond the pronation-control paradigm with running shoesHow certain running-form flaws might increase injury riskHow footwear has evolved over the past 10,000 yearsThe recreational runnerWhy running shoes are not inherently evilTread Lightlyis a highly readable, multifaceted investigation of running past and present, with a hopeful look to the future.

Book Tread Lightly : Form, Footwear, and the Quest for Injury-Free Running in MOBI, DOC

Earlier chapters are now expanded to include new material on a number of topics, including measures of predictive ability and flexible parametric models.Proofs are easy to follow, and the author carefully justifies every step.This friendly guide explains stride by stride how to maximize the cardiovascular benefits of walking - and set up a personalized fitness walking program.Over the past few years time-of-flight (ToF) and Orbitrap MS have both experienced a tremendous growth in a great number of analytical sectors and are now well established in many laboratories where high requirements are placed on analytical performance.Also, this honey is highly effective in the control of several bacterial and fungal infections recalcitrant to available antibiotics.They have both worked on the issue for years; they are pioneers in the field.In Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham illuminates the experiences that are part of making one's way in the world: falling in love, feeling alone, being ten pounds overweight despite eating only health food, having to prove yourself in a room full of men twice your age, finding true love, and most of all, having the guts to believe that your story is one that deserves to be told.As universal as it is intimate, this is an exceptional memoir of brotherhood, of sibling rivalries and sibling love, and of the torments a family can hold silent and carry across generations., An Amazon Best Book of August 2015 "A brave book with beautiful sentences on every page."-- New York Times In 2000, while moving his household from Vermont to North Carolina, David Payne watched from his rearview mirror as his younger brother, George A., driving behind him in a two-man convoy of rental trucks, lost control of his vehicle, fishtailed, flipped over in the road, and died instantly.With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Advanced materials in automotive engineering is an invaluable guide for all those involved in the engineering, design or analysis of motor vehicle bodies and components, as well as all students of automotive design and engineering.Each of these chapters exemplifies the principles and techniques with the applications most commonly found in current practice.